Friday, April 10, 2009

An update:

We will be having the Tea Party at the Cache County Courthouse, 200 North and Main, (not in the Free Speech Zone anymore) from 4-6 PM on Wednesday, April 15, 2009. We will try to keep you updated on the agenda for the Rally.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Website Is Moving

The official website for the 9.12 Project for citizens of Cache Valley is being moved to The site is currently under construction, but it is set to be the headquarters of all 9.12 Project efforts in Cache Valley, even after the Tax Day Tea Party of 2009 is done with. We'll keep you informed with any developments along the way.

As always,
God Bless America!
God Bless We The People!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Permit Has Been Received

Cache Valley Tax Day Tea Party will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 2009, from 4-6 PM at approximately 241 North Main in Logan (directly south of the Logan Library). There will be some speakers, and a call-to-action public document signing. Bring your signs and let your voice be heard. More information coming soon....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thanks for checking in with us. Just as a side note, the above mentioned plans are simply ideas that we have and are not set in stone.

Rally time may most likely change. We'll keep you posted.

Should know if we have a permit by Friday!

9-12 ers unite!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cache Valley Tax Day Tea Party Preliminary Plans

First off, we want to thank those on the Tax Day Tea Party threads from Logan (Denise, Kodie, JDavid, CHatch, and Nate Jensen) for speaking up and saying you want to have one in Logan. So do we! We want to have our voices heard in a peaceable way.

We are in the process of setting up a Tax Day Tea party for Logan, Utah on Wednesday, April 15, 2009, from 2-4 PM. (If this time won't work, please let us know.)

We were originally trying to have it in front of the Post Office. After further investigation, we have found a "Free Speech Zone" on Main Street between 200 and 300 North on the West Side. There is a grassy area approx. 65 feet by 32 feet, with a parking lot close, and it is just east of the Post Office, and closer to Main Street. Depending on how many show up, we think this will be the best place, as opposed to the idea we had about having it at the County Court House (they charge $200.00).

Our preliminary ideas are to have a rally much like the one in Orlando Florida, ( They offer some great tips on how to have a successful event.

We don't know how big our numbers will be, but we want to have as many voices heard as we can!

Our goals for this event (patterned after the one in Orlando):

* Focus on the 9 Principles and 12 Values that Glenn Beck has outlined in his mission statement on the 912project website.

* We would like to sign a petition ( or have some kind of public document signing that can be sent to Congress, etc.

* We would like to have a patriotic speaker or a salute to veterans (tentative; any ideas?); some US flags, and the Pledge of Allegiance recited.

* We would like to have some patriotic music, even if it's just CDs and a Bose Stereo (any more exciting ideas on this?).

* We want to be peaceable (avoid shouting, bashing, name calling; not good publicity for the media).

* We would like to have signs based on the sign ideas (see the website), homemade or professionally printed (bring your own).

As soon as we have the permit in place, we need to get the word out either by fliers in town, on campus, word of mouth, Public Service Announcements, Happenings announcements in the newspaper and Cache Magazine, USU Statesman. This is where we will need to have volunteers to help with printing and distributing.

Please wait, however, until we post that we have a permit.